Saved By The Romans...... Again
Back in February, I wrote about an emotional trip I made to what I call "hell". Here is the post. It was called
Many of you who know me often comment on how I seem to be at peace and calm most of the time. In deed, I tended to be that way a lot. HOWEVER, I recently had some health challenges (which are now resolved, thank you) and in the mist of a whole lot of thought about them, I got lost Spiritually. I began having a whole lot of “Whoa is me” kind of thoughts and my Spirit seemed to tumble toward depression.
Now for the good news, I’m back!!!! That is one journey that I never want to make again. What brought me back from the “edge"? One thought, and that thought was a passage from the Bible that says, “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Then I knew that what I went through would only serve to make me a better person, teacher, facilitator, friend. I have always thought that those who have been to hell and back are the best ones to help those who are still in hell to find their way out. Now I am certified to do that work! I know I am a better person because of my journey.
The final step in my healing was listening to a song that came to me shortly after I came out of the “valley of the Shadow of Death”. The song is by Kirk Franklin titled, “First Love”. Here’s the link: . My “first love” is God and the Holy Spirit.
Come back….
Well, it appears that I didn't learn my lesson because I went back to hell again this week, and I didn't like it any better the second time around. Here's the story: I recently was in a situation where I thought I was treated unfairly, professionally, and without dignity or respect. That thought led me through the gamut of emotions. I was insulted, angry, embarrassed, angry again, and vengeful, just to name a few. And with each of those emotions came misery and pain. The most powerful thought of all, was that I needed revenge and therefore i needed to attack. Then all those emotions flared up again.
Now this is where the Romans came in to save me.....again. Somehow or other I got quiet enough this morning to hear that still, quiet voice that often comes to my rescue and Romans 8:28 popped into my head. "All things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called to his purpose", it whispered. Then and there I knew what to do, I was to forgive myself and forgive the other person too. Peace washed over me once the decision was made and I know everything was alright.
And what good came out of it? I got a call and an email from one who was aware of the situation that complemented me on the in manner which I handled the situation and a commitment to find a way to work together in the future. Not only did she send it to me, but she sent it to other major players who were aware of the work that I was doing. It don't get any "gooder" than that!
So if you find yourself in a situation where you are stressed and distressed by what other people say or do, maybe the Romans will come and rescue you too!