A Course in Happiness - Click to Begin

A Course in Happiness - Click to Begin



How much would you pay to have a little more happiness and joy in your life? 

Would you be willing to pay $5?

If so, take this simple Course in Happiness and if you feel happier at the end of the course, pay the $5 tuition fee.  

If you don’t find more happiness and joy in your life after 7 days, go back to living the life as before and you owe nothing. 

You have nothing to lose but the negative feelings that you have been dragging around with you for who knows how long.


Step One

o   Understand that everything that you want to do, you want to be, or you want to have - you want it because you believe that it will bring you joy and happiness; whether it is a family, lots of money, a new car or house, a wonderful mate, or anything or everything else. You believe those things will make you happy.

If you want to be happy, why not go for happiness first? That is a choice that you can make and this course will show you how. All it takes is a little focus on your part.

Step Two

o   Make this a family practice. If you have others living in your home, have them join you in this 7-day journey to Happiness.

Step Three

o   Find a Happiness partner at work, or anywhere else, and do this 7-day challenge together with them as well. We always do better when we do it in groups with others.

Step Four

o   Take a few minutes to look for, to recognize, and to write down a list of peoples, places, and things that you appreciate and that make you happy.

You can do that now, you can do that first thing every morning, and/or you can do that the last thing every night for 7 days.

Step Five

o   During the day, look for and appreciate as many people, places, and things that you can, such as:

  • the fact that you woke up

  • the fact that you have a variety of food to eat

  • the fact that you have clean running water

  • the fact that you have indoor plumbing

  • the fact that you have clean air to breathe

  • the fact that your heart is beating

  • the fact that someone opened the door for you

  • the fact that someone smiled at you

  • the fact that you are alive

  • the fact that you have a job

  • the fact that you have a friend

  • anything and everything else.

    • Do this every day for 7 days

Step Six

o   For 7 days, tell people as often as possible what you appreciate about them.

Step Seven

o   Each day, take the time to reflect and notice how you feel as a result of your decision to be happy and appreciate other people, places, and things.

Step Eight

o   If you feel happier and more joyful at the end of 7 days, share this simple Course in Happiness with someone that you love and care about.

Step Nine

If you are happier and more joyful when your challenge period is over, pay your $5 tuition fee. If not, there are a lot of people out there who benefited from the kind words you said and the kind things that you did and the world is a better place because of you!

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