Down But Not Out

We are in a time when science and religion are finally coming together under the banner of Quantum Physics.  Just as they talk about the "Word" in the Bible. they also talk about "Thought" in Quantum Physics.  In religion, we talk about Spirit as "an invisible force that impacts the physical world".  In science they talk about Energy as "an invisible force that impacts the physical world".  Amazing, huh? This article is about thought and how sometimes it can limit us when we use it against ourselves.  We have been programmed by conditioning as we grow up to believe we are less that we are.  Fortunately, sometimes we ignore the status quo, overcome the conditioning, and do something which many of us consider to be amazing.  Heather Dorniden showed us what can happen when we we don't allow our thoughts to get in the way.  She showed us that just because we are down, we don't have to be out. Check it out:

What amazing things are you gonna do?